Advanced Security Monitoring

Today's business climate demands your IT systems operate efficiently, are highly secure, and be online 24 hours a day.

NSO Solutions, Inc. provides advanced security monitoring, threat analysis and integrated IT security support services that allow your company to maintain peak levels of performance and productivity while maintaining security.

Let’s face it – smaller organizations have the same security concerns as large firms – but fewer staff and less budget to get the job done. Cyber criminals view small and medium-sized organizations as soft targets for identity theft, bank fraud, and ransomware.

The perfect fit for Small or Mid-Sized Organization

Our NS-Vue platform offers organizations the ability to enhance their overall security preparedness & incident response at a much lower price point but with enhancements over traditional security products:

Many industry compliance mandates, including PCI, HIPAA, GLBA, and NERC CIP, require that event logs are collected, monitored and retained. NSO can customize our service to the specific needs of every customer.

Focus on what really matters

Enterprise Level Security at an Affordable Price

Many security products and services overwhelm users with unimportant updates and false positive alerts. At NSO Solutions, Inc., we understand that you want us to deal with all the complexity so you can run your business.

Being able to accurately prioritize and respond to security incidents is critical to establishing an effective security program. Our experts will work with your team to define critical assets and applicaions and then develop use cases and correlation rules to identify the security alerts that are most relevant. Your IT team will not be swamped with false positives, and can use their valuable time to resolve issues that really matter.

Meeting Compliance Requirements for Monitoring

  • Industry leading advanced SIEM technology and Log Management
  • Automated Discovery and Configuration Monitoring Database (CMDB)
  • Performance and Availability Monitoring (PAM) with Threat Analysis
  • Real-Time Event Correlation, Root-cause Analysis, and Alerting
  • Virtualization and Cloud Monitoring
  • Optional compliance reporting for PCI, Sox, HIPAA, Cobit, FISMA, GLBH, and NERC CIP